Las naciones del Caribe se piensan la legalización

Las naciones que componen The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) han puesto sobre la mesa la posibilidad de reclasificar el estatus de la marihuana. ¿Se acerca la legalización?
Las naciones que componen The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) han puesto sobre la mesa la posibilidad de reclasificar el estatus de la marihuana. ¿Se acerca la legalización?
Jamaica, Barbados, Haití y la Bahamas, son algunos de los 19 países del CARICOM, firman un comunicado en el que dicen que no se deriva ningún bien “ni humano ni religioso” de la prohibición y, sin embargo, si se percibe que legalizar traería “beneficios económicos”.
Por tanto el CARICOM recomienda si no la legalización sí que la descriminalización de esta sustancia.
El movimiento de los países del CARICOM llega justo cuando Canadá anda muy cerca de ser el primer país del G5 que legaliza el cannabis tanto en su faceta medicinal como en la recreativa.
Os dejamos aquí (en Inglés) el comunicado del CARICOM:
"Heads of Government welcomed the Report of the Regional Commission on Marijuana. They noted its findings, conclusions and recommendations in particular with respect to human and religious rights; the social and developmental impact of use among adolescents; the economic benefits to be derived and issues related to its classification.
They expressed deep appreciation to the Commission’s Chair, Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine and the other members of the Commission for their very comprehensive report. The Commissioners, representing a range of disciplines conducted region-wide consultations to inform the Report.
Heads of Government recognised that the current classification of marijuana as an illicit drug presented a challenge in the conduct of research to fully understand and ascertain the medicinal benefits to be derived.
They agreed that action should be taken at the national level by the relevant authorities to review marijuana’s current status with a view to reclassification taking into account all international obligations.
They also expressed concern about the effect of marijuana use on young persons given the conclusive evidence that existed.
Heads of Government recognised that Member States would need to review the Report in more detail to determine action at the national level in relation to law reform models as proposed by the Commission.
Heads of Government expressed appreciation to the Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS) which provided resources for the work of the Commission."
Fuente: Marijuana Moment
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